Wednesday 11 February 2015

Ideas of how to secure your dinghy for the night

 How to secure your dinghy for the night? Hmm, some people have got different concepts and as we were driving around the anchorage very early this morning I was able to catch some interesting ideas on camera, one of the boat owners would get the first price of originality! Can you guess which one?

We are still in Martinique and most off our days are rather eventless  and merely representing a routine on living on board of a Catamaran; cleaning, teaching, cooking, lots of reading, relaxing, planning whre to go next and waiting for the day to leave this anchorage.  However today we spiced up our day by getting up early, before the sunrise, to do our washing in the laundry facilities in the Marina. We just arrived at the beginning of dawn at the laundry with two big washing baskets, trying to fight the crowds on land. Yeah, we were successful as no one else was as crazy like us to get up before sunrise to do their washing. We had plenty of time to figure out the French signs how to operate the machines and to goof around. While we had to wait for our washing to be cleaned beyond shining, we went to spoil ourselves with a hot chocolate, cappuccino and hot croissant, a delicious way to start the day.

 Back in New Zealand there was a time when I used to hang my washing up the fence, because I did not have a washing line. I suppose decorating the Catamaran like a Christmas tree with washing is probably along the same line. Sometimes it looks like nothing has changed, and still so much has changed.
These pictures are for you Mums and Dads.

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